I have been a licenced ham radio operator since 1974, from the beginnings I am an advocate of digital modes: something not strange given my long professional history as a computer engineer and software developer.
During my career I have explored most of the digital amateur fields, starting with RTTY and packet radio, areas in which in the past I have created both ‘open’ software and hardware, a philosophy I’ve always supported.
My philosophy in ham radio is somehow derived from the computer world – Unix, specifically – and is called KISS, an acronym for keep it simple stupid. I like to follow new paths, using simple systems and small power.
From a point of view, this is a must for me, as I miss the physical space to install big directional antennas. But it is also a choice, since – although I can – I rarely use power greater than 10W. That’s what I need to connect ham stations all over the world.
My station is designed over this minimalist philosophy: I use a Yaesu FTdx-1200 transceiver, connected to a Comet CHA-250 antenna, controlled by an old Toshiba Satellite 200 laptop. The digital modes interfaces is – obviously – home made. With this station I have got the DX Century Club Award.
If you have had a QSO with me, and you like to have my QSL: I am active on both LoTW and eQSL. For those who like old-fashioned (but still attractive) paper QSL I have written a QSL server, from which you can download a PDF of my traditional QSL. Just click on My QSL Server button at the top right of this page, enter your callsign and select the QSO from those registered in my log.
The site is a work in progress, given the little time I can devote to it at the moment, but I plan to replenish it, a little at a time, with – I hope – interesting things.
One last consideration: I have always believed that one of the missions of the radio amateur, as well as the quid of a hobby that is more than a hobby, is to transfer their knowledge to others. In the same way, I believe in the strength of associations, despite the fact that it has reserved for me profound disappointments over time. Anyway, I am always ready to share my experience and skills with other radio enthusiasts.
73, and good QSOs (not necessarily DXs) – or good SWLing – to all the people.
Giorgio, I8ZSE [I8-20981]